The Manage Meetings (BSBTWK503) unit covers the skills and knowledge needed for Diploma of Business students to effectively manage different types of meetings, which include overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes, and reporting meeting outcomes.
It applies to individuals working in various work environments who are responsible for organising and managing meetings in their workplace. These individuals may work in senior administrative roles or have the duty to conduct and chair meetings in the workplace.
The Learner Resource for this unit consists of three elements:
- Preparing for meetings
- Conducting meetings
- Following up on meetings
Upon completion of this training, you will be required to undertake an assessment pack for this unit of competency. You will need to seek the assistance of a supervisor, a manager, or an assessor who can observe you perform project or workplace tasks and assess your competency or performance.
By successfully completing the assessment, you must have demonstrated the skills and knowledge necessary to manage meetings effectively.